Thursday, September 30, 2010

Cruise Day 19: Sea Day

Well, day 19 arrived and it was, again a beautiful one. 

You'll notice that today's magnet says "Pirates" on it----this is another scheduling snafu.  When we originally got the schedule of events for our cruise so we could start putting together magnets, we were told that day 17 would be Villains and day 19 would be pirates....well you already know (if you've been following along on the blog) that they switched Villains on us.  They also switched Pirates night....and it got moved to Day 21 (St. Maarten)....but, of course, it was too late by then to change our magnets....

...but that's OK....nothing says "Sea Day" like Mickey Mouse decked out in his buccaneer the magnet still works for us!! *smile*

I also mentioned in my last post, I think, that it was probably going to be the shortest because we hadn't done much and hadn't taken many pictures (I think it was 12 that day)....well, it's even shorter today, probably, because we have only 15 pictures from this day....and 6 of those are of the same sunset! LOL

The day was, once again, super relaxed and started with the rainforest room. nice! :)  We were able to spend a leisurely morning basking in there for a bit before our character breakfast at 9:45.  We met all our table-mates at the restaurant to have breakfast together and take pictures with some of the characters.  Here are some photos (these are very similar to the last character breakfast from the Med cruise because it's basically the same event...but we wore different shirts AND you can never get enough of the Disney characters! LOL):

(Note:  If you notice our shirts, which we've worn a few times on this trip, in this picture...they are tie dye shirts with a tie dyed mickey head in the center front----we made these before we came on the trip!)

After breakfast we spent the morning and early afternoon doing various activities on the ship like doing "Disney Name that Tune," attending the next installment in the "Desperate Shipmates Saga" and playing a Disney version of "The Wheel of Fortune" (our team won---woot woot!! LOL).  We also grabbed a quick lunch and then in the late afternoon we had an appointment at the spa for a couples villa experience.  The spa on the ship has private villas where you can spend time and get treatments done....we always do this on the ship as a special treat for ourselves.  You start by going into the villa and they do a "ceremonial foot washing" where they wash your feet with a lime and salt scrub that makes your feet feel tingly and clean. Then they turn on a private hot tub that is on a balcony in the villa and looks out directly into the ocean and they leave you alone there to relax for 30 minutes or so before they come back and give you and your partner your own individual 75 minute treatments---I got a hot stone massage and Jason got a basic back & shoulders massage and also got a "seaweed wrap."  After your treatments are over, they take you out onto the verandah where they have a very nice couples lounge seat and you get to relax there and enjoy the view and they bring you hot tea and a fruit plate.  It's a very relaxing and indulgent time.  We didn't bring our camera with us into the spa, but here are some stock images of the villa room's massage tables and the chaise you lay on for the view of the ocean.  (Once we got in there and Jason decided to do the sea weed wrap, I wished we'd brought the camera because it involved him being covered in sea weed goop and then wrapped head to toe in a silver "blanket" that looked like tin he was like a human baked potato! LOL)

 At dinner that night we chose to wear the ties you see below (with Mickey and Donald on them).  I don't have any pictures of us IN the ties yet----i will when we get our CD from this cruise)...but the story behind wearing these ties is that it seems every time we get a picture with Donald Duck we are wearing an outfit that has some character OTHER than him on it...and so he was always giving us a hard time about that and I promised him that the next time he was scheduled to be out for pictures I would wear a tie with him on it....and he was so I did:

At dinner that night we chose to wear the ties you see below (with Mickey and Donald on them).  I don't have any pictures of us IN the ties yet----i will when we get our CD from this cruise)...but the story behind wearing these ties is that it seems every time we get a picture with Donald Duck we are wearing an outfit that has some character OTHER than him on it...and so he was always giving us a hard time about that and I promised him that the next time he was scheduled to be out for pictures I would wear a tie with him on it....and he was so I did:
Jason also took a great photo of our sunset at sea this I'll close today's post with that image:

1 comment:

  1. Ooooo... what a very cool sunset! You just don't see those colors near land!

    You guys sound like you should be jello by the end of the cruise...

