Thursday, September 23, 2010

Cruise Day 9: Villefranche/Monaco/Monte Carlo/Eze

The seventh day of our cruise brought us to the port of "Villefranche."  This was, sadly, not only our final port for the Mediterranean portion of our cruise, but it was also our final full day on land with our Adventures by Disney crew.  The day wasn't scheduled to be too grueling physically and promised to be a pretty leisurely day in Monaco, Monte Carlo & the village of Eze. Our agenda was, once again, not jam packed...just some light sight-seeing and a nice lunch.

(Just a note about today's magnet----we were struggling with ideas that could link Disney with Monaco or Monte Carlo and the closest that Jason could come up with was the movie poster for the film "Herbie Goes to Monte Carlo"....but we weren't loving it....and then we remembered that Monte Carlo is a city with a strong focus on gambling/gaming....and that means cards...and that Alice in Wonderland had a playing card theme (remember all the Queen of Hearts' guards were playing cards..."painting the roses red"?)....and so, VIOLA!!!  An Alice/Queen of Hearts magnet for Monte Carlo day!!!