Sunday, September 12, 2010

Words Are Worth 1,000 Pictures?! you might be wondering what that odd subject line is all about, huh? LOL

Well, we've heard back from a couple of our dear friends (Sandi & Hadley---hey gals!!) who are following the blog that our attempt earlier this week to submit a blog entry by email (as opposed to logging onto the website, which is blocked) was somewhat successful.   We are still not only not able to access the page to edit it or add new posts...but we are also not able to even view it.  So we've heard now that the text we emailed appeared on the site OK....but that the pictures did not.   So....we are moving in the right direction!  Something is better than nothing, right?!  LOL (And I've also heard from them that many of our readers have commented on the blog that you'd rather read our stories without pictures than have nothing at all.....and it may come to that! 

So I wanted to give you all an update on where things stand with the blog----we are currently exploring one FINAL possible alternative that would allow us to put our full blog posts and at least SOME of our images onto the blog...but it may take another day or two.  If we cannot figure out a way to make that work....then I am going to just start sending text-only posts to the blog remotely.  That way you will all be able to at least READ about our journey....and then I'll upload pictures later---either going back and editing the original blogs for each day or maybe just a few very image-intensive new blog posts with a collection of images from throughout the trip (with captions, of course).

Either the next day or two start checking back here and expect to start seeing new posts appearing on the site....and once we are up and running again we'll post several days all at you'll have plenty of reading to catch up on!!! LOL

(NOTE:  As just a teaser so you all know, though, we have almost 20 days left on this trip and it's already shaping up to be everything we expected and SO MUCH MORE!!  We're having a fabulous time and experiencing the ports in a way we never could have on our own...or possibly than we could have even without Adventures by Disney.  We're definitely hooked!!)


  1. I think photos are up now on that last blog entry (that originally did not have them),--so everyone click on it and check them out!

  2. Heheheheh! Loving the ABD, eh? Some people just could not understand what it was, or why I did it, but the ABD was *such* an amazing way to experience the Med and this cruise. I'm so glad you're enjoying it. Looking forward to more reports!


  3. Thanks for pointing that out Hadley! Went back to view the pictures and you guys looked fabulous for formal night!!!! Can't wait to read your blogs about your ABD days!!
    Melodie (MagicMe)

  4. YEAH! We love to hear from you and I cannot stop thinking about you and all the fun you must be having. Some of your fellow cruisers did not like Tunisia, but I think from your blog that you are just loving life. Cannot wait to see you!!

  5. Will check out the photos from the last post. Eric you have me so swayed towards ABD, eek! Another expensive dollar-wise, but so worth while vacation option I don't need, lol.

    Can't wait to meet, next week.

  6. I knew you would love the AbD!! I'm so glad you decided to add that to your cruise! Woohoo!
