From Sept. 2nd through October 2nd we'll be visiting Orlando and then setting sail with Disney around the Mediterranean and across the Atlantic Ocean. It's the trip of a lifetime...and you're invited to tag along here on our blog!!
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Cruise Day 19: Sea Day
Cruise Day 18: Day at Sea
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Cruise Day 17: Day at Sea
Cruise Day 16: Day at Sea
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Cruise Day 15: Madeira, Portugal
Cruise Day 14: Sea Day
Monday, September 27, 2010
Cruise Day 13: Gibraltar
Day 13 of our adventure found us in Gibraltar. Our magnet features Gibraltar's most prominent feature, the rock....with, of course, Mickey Mouse doing a little rock climbing! :)
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Ship Photography
portion of our cruise, I thought I would share some more pictures
from our Mediterranean Cruise. for those who have never sailed with
Disney Cruise Line before....the ship has it's own photogaphers and
photo shop called "Shutters"-----and the folks from shutters take
photos throughout your cruise...sometimes they're candid shots on
shore excursions or at the pool and other times they're posed
shots...often with a nice background or with the Disney characters.
I have always been one to talk about the benefit of shutters
photography----because Jason and I absolutely ADORE them. Not only
do their pictures very often turn out beautifully, but having a
collection of nice pictures from a vacation that include both Jason
and myself is a rare treat (because we are most often vacationing
alone together....many of our pictures that we take with our camera
have either him OR me in them...but rarely both of us together). So
we try to get as many pictures taken by the Shutters photographers as
possible...and then buy the CD that they offer which includes digital
prints of every picture they took throughout your cruise....and as an
added bonus, because we were booked with Adventures by Disney for the
Med portion of our cruise...our CD was included at no extra charge!!
Cruise Day 12: Sea Day
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Cruise Day 11: Barcelona (end of Med, beginning of TransAtlantic)
Friday, September 24, 2010
Cruise Day 10: Day at Sea
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Cruise Day 9: Villefranche/Monaco/Monte Carlo/Eze
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Cruise Day 8: Ajaccio/Corsica
Today was another pretty casual and relaxing (& fun) day---both on and off the again I'll just run you through what we did and saw for the day.
Day 7: Florence
The seventh day of our cruise brought us to the port of "La Spezia" on the coast of Italy. This is the port from which we made our journey up into the Tuscany region of Italy to the city of Florence. Jason created our magnet for this day with a picture of a very famous covered bridge in Florence (called Ponte Vecchio) with Mickey on a gondola boat (we know that's really more Venice...but we thought it looked good on the magnet and it was, at least, Italian! LOL). Keep a lookout later in this post because Jason and I were able to visit this very bridge and take some was nice to once again see the images we pulled off the internet for our door magnets in real life.
Day 6: Rome
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Cruise Day 5: Naples/Sorrento/Capri
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Goodbye Adventures by Disney
and I know that in terms of my actual posts I am several days behind
(having not even yet gotten our Naples day up on the blog yet----I
promise to try to get everything up in the next few days....keeping
up with blogging is much harder than I imagined it would be! LOL).
That said, however, I think it's worthwhile to just acknowledge that
a new phase of our vacation is beginning today. This morning most of
the Mediterranean cruisers got off the ship and all of our
TransAtlantic shipmates started boarding the ship and we've already
started connecting with some old (and new) friends....
....but that also means that a phase of our vacation has come to an
end. Last night was our final night with the Adventures by Disney
group. We had a reception where they played a slide show with images
from our trip that really tugged at our heartstrings...gave us our
final pins and then at dinner we said goodbye to all of our new
Disney friends from this adventure----and to Robyn and Tina. I gave
them both a hug and I actually cried when we said goodbye. It was
hard to consider that this morning we would wake up and we would
still be on vacation....but without all of them. At the beginning of
the journey they told us we would all end up being like family....and
they were right.
I already know for certain that in the next few days (as I try
desperately to catch up with blog posts of all the days that are
still missing here) I will reflect back on this experience.....but
until that time I want to just post a message here to say that
Adventures by Disney was everything we hoped it would be and truly did reshape the way we vacation and gave us the
opportunity to experience an incredible adventure in an even more
incredible way!
(To Robyn, Tina & all our Adventures by Disney friends-----thank you
for such an amazing experience....we miss you all already and we will
cherish forever the memories from our adventure!! xoxo, Erik & Jason)
Friday, September 17, 2010
Cruise Day 4: Tunisia (cont.)
a morning of bread-baking, belly dancing and henna tattoos in an
authentic traditional Berber village in Tunisia. So what's next for
our adventurers?! LUNCH!!
That's right....after all the activities already provided by the
village and the family who run it, they also served us lunch. Lunch
was served at a long family style table inside one of the buildings
in the village and was served by members of the family that run the
village. There was, of course, berber bread (like the bread we baked
in the stone oven outside----even though Jason is a man LOL) and then
they served a really nice tomato soup that had an orzo type pasta in
it. This was followed by an appetizer dish that I believe they
called a "brick"----it was basically scrambled eggs (and I think
spinach??) inside a deep fried shell. Then came the main course----
chicken served over cous cous with some vegetables (like sweet
potatoes and, I believe, cabbage and carrots) in it and over which
they poured one of two kinds of flavor sauce. One they called "hot
sauce" and was clearly made with hot peppers----it had a pretty good
kick. The second, a milder version, they referred to as "baby
sauce" (because, apparently, if you needed to eat that one you must
be a baby....LOL. Never being one to shy away from spicy foods, I
opted for the hot sauce.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Cruise Day 4: Tunisia----PART 1
Well Day 4 of our Mediterranean Cruise took us to, arguably, our most exotic port of call: Tunis in Tunisia...a country in Northern Africa. Jason was particularly proud of this day's magnet....and it ended up being very appropriate because we got to ride camels...AND, without even realizing the connection, our ties at dinner were Aladdin/Genie ties! LOL But I'm jumping too far
Now, let me say this right of the gate---I know this port was a controversial one for many people. Lots of people were excited about it because of how unique and exotic was....lots of people ended up not liking it because they had a bad experience (I have heard rumors that the area of Tunis to which Disney Cruise Line sent most guests was overcrowded and crazy and not as much fun as many had hoped)....and I know that there were more than a few people, both on the ship and back home, who had misgivings about visiting Tunisia because it is a primarily Muslim country and it was, ironically September 11th the day we arrived in Tunis.
Cruise Day 3 (cont.): Malta (& Gozo)---Part 2
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Cruise Day 3: Malta (& Gozo)....Part 1
I'm BAAAAAACK!!!! Actually, we are sitting in a park in Corsica, at the port of Ajaccio, and there is free wireless internet I thought I would make a quick post myself of one of the blogs you've missed in teh past few days while I've been offline!!! In the coming days, however, you WILL start seeing more activity here on the blog because my dear friend, Hadley, who lives in Germany has volunteered to spend her mornings while we are on our journey posting my musings and photos since I cannot (As many of you know, she started figuring out the workings of our blog earlier this week to get our pictures posted.) Please bear with her as she continues to figure out the ins and outs of making posts here but also join Jason and I in extending a HUGE THANKS to her a for her willingness to help!!
So, without further is a post about our Day in Malta....and in the next few days (with Hadley's help) postings will start to appear about our adventures in Tunisia, Naples/Capri, Rome, Corsica...and then the rest of our journey as we finish our ports and cross the Atlantic....
Well, Day 3 of our fantastic voyage had come to an end....and boy were we tired once the day was over---what with the sun all day and getting up early (after being up probably later than was wise the night before) and a long day of activities! Day 3 was our first official port ) during the Mediterranean portion of our cruise: Malta (as you can see from our magnet of the day---featuring Disney's new princess, Princess Tiana----not because she has anything to do with Malto or the Mediterranean...but just because she's fabulous! LOL). It was also our first day to truly experience what Adventures by Disney is all about. Obviously we have had a few small events on the ship the last couple days and have spent some time getting to know Robyn & Tina, the adventure guides, and some of the other folks in our group....but we haven't actually done any touring yet. So before the day even began, we were excited and ready!!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Words Are Worth 1,000 Pictures?!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Day 2: Day At Sea
(NOTE: So I tried to log on tonight and while the internet is working, the blog website is not (it's being blocked by the DCL I.S.P. again....grrrr) we're doing an experiment here. I actually DO have email access and technically I can send emails to my blog that should post as blogs. We aren't really sure how this will work in terms of images and formatting, but thought it was worth a try.....but be warned you may be looking at a post that doesn't work at all. If that is the case, then when I finally can log on again, I will try to delete and/or fix it. I am really hoping that this works because I'd hate to have to not post my daily blogs. Even though writing these blogs does eat up some of our free time aboard the ship and makes for some late nights....I have to confess that I really enjoy writing them because: 1.) it is a great way for Jason and I to recap together how we spent our day and really crystallize some of our memories, AND 2.) I know that so many folks out there are enjoying reading our posts!!)Anyhow, Day 2 aboard the ship, a sea day, has come to an end----and it was a fabulous day. You can see our magnet for the day in this post---we were particularly happy with this one because it has the ship out to sea and is cute because it has Dumbo in it (there were only so many characters we could put flying over the ship! LOL). In the past we've had people ask us (especially when they hear about us doing the TransAtlantic cruises with so many days at sea), "Don't you get bored being on that ship and not being able to get off and go into a port?" Jason and I always just shake our heads and think----the only people who can be "bored" on a Disney ship at sea during a day are people who have no idea how to have a good time!! LOL Today's sea day was great and we didn't have one "bored" moment all day.
We Are Experiencing Technical Difficulties.....
Amazing Cruise Adenture Day 1: ALL ABOARD!!!
Well we're aboard the ship and Day 1 is coming to a close. Our main image here is our door mini-magnet for the day. If you recall my previous post about door magnets, you'll remember that we created one large main magnet that surrounds our stateroom number door-sign and creates a "frame" for a separate mini-magnet for each day of the cruise. From this point forward, the main image for each blog will be the magnet-o-the you'll have to imagine that magnet within the larger one on our door and then also imagine all 24 of them getting scattered along the lower portion of our door as the cruise proceeds, as well! was a very eventful day...lots to do but a great day! (And it's late now and I probably should go to bed....but just for all you loyal readers I am staying up to post a blog....thank heavens tomorrow is a sea day and we can sleep in a little bit! *wink*). So on today's agenda was to get to the ship, board the ship, meet the Adventures by Disney guides, do the safety drill, hand out lanyards to our fellow back-to-back cruisers (there are about 30 of us who ordered lanyards....and then at least a dozen more we met who are B2B but who opted out of lanyards), and then also have dinner and enjoy ourselves, as well!!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Two Years of Waiting----& It's FINALLY Here!!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Tuesday: Our Day in Barcelona
We're here!!
We have landed safely and have arrived at our hotel. This is only going to be a very brief post----because we are tired and feel dirty so we want to shower and take a nap for an hour or so...but I wanted everyone to know we landed safely.
Monday, September 6, 2010
Waiting At The Airport....So Thought I'd Share A Bit... we sit in Orlando with some time to kill waiting anxiously for the next phase of our trip to begin........
Sunday: Another Hard Day in Orlando
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The back entrance of our resort: Disney's Beach Club villas |
Our Saturday Part 2: Sea World
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Our Saturday Part 1: Aquatica
So let's start with Aquatica.....
Saturday, September 4, 2010
One More Thing From Yesterday.....For My Dad
At Walt Disney World's Animal Kingdom they have a ride called "Kali River Rapids" which is a water ride with a circular boat that floats through rapids, bouncing around spinning and getting you all wet. There is a very similar ride at Islands of Adventure called "Popeye & Bluto's Bilge-Rat Barges" (pictured to the left-----we are not in that boat, it's a stock photo of the ride, but you get the idea.