(NOTE: So I tried to log on tonight and while the internet is working, the blog website is not (it's being blocked by the DCL I.S.P. again....grrrr)....so we're doing an experiment here. I actually DO have email access and technically I can send emails to my blog that should post as blogs. We aren't really sure how this will work in terms of images and formatting, but thought it was worth a try.....but be warned you may be looking at a post that doesn't work at all. If that is the case, then when I finally can log on again, I will try to delete and/or fix it. I am really hoping that this works because I'd hate to have to not post my daily blogs. Even though writing these blogs does eat up some of our free time aboard the ship and makes for some late nights....I have to confess that I really enjoy writing them because: 1.) it is a great way for Jason and I to recap together how we spent our day and really crystallize some of our memories, AND 2.) I know that so many folks out there are enjoying reading our posts!!)
Anyhow, Day 2 aboard the ship, a sea day, has come to an end----and it was a fabulous day. You can see our magnet for the day in this post---we were particularly happy with this one because it has the ship out to sea and is cute because it has Dumbo in it (there were only so many characters we could put flying over the ship! LOL). In the past we've had people ask us (especially when they hear about us doing the TransAtlantic cruises with so many days at sea), "Don't you get bored being on that ship and not being able to get off and go into a port?" Jason and I always just shake our heads and think----the only people who can be "bored" on a Disney ship at sea during a day are people who have no idea how to have a good time!! LOL Today's sea day was great and we didn't have one "bored" moment all day.
First of all, sea days are nice because if you want to you can sleep in. We slept until about 9:15am (which, the way we've been running on this vacation, felt like we slept until noon!). We always sleep with the curtains open on our veranda/balcony so that even if the sun doesn't wake us up...when we do wake up, we are greeted by the sun over the ocean----now THAT is some Disney Magic!! *smile* After we got up, we got some breakfast, got showered and dressed and then headed down to a reception they were having for all the gold and silver Castaway Club members (people who have done 5 or more cruises). It was a nice affair with some snacks and the captain of the ship was there and talked to us a little bit...and Captian Mickey was there, too and we got pics with him (they were taken by the ship photographers so we won't get the CD with those pics until the end of this cruise...but we'll post them then).
After that, we went up on deck and played a little ping pong, walked around the pool and then hung out with Robyn and Tina, our Adventure guides, a little bit on Deck 7 where they were having informal "office hours." They're both so friendly and easy to talk to that seeing them and spending time with them is always a pleasure. After talking to them, we went to lunch, which was nice. Here is a picture of Jason at lunch (in Parrot Cay, one of the tropical themed restaurants on board) in front of one of the large porthole windows with the Mediterranean Sea in the background (although you can't really see that). After lunch we did a few interactive activities on board. Disney is very good about programming things to keep you busy and active like games, classes, etc. We took tow classes today----it was a very folding kind of day!! The first thing we did was go and learn from one of the wait staff how to do fancy napkin folding. We learned how to do six different napkin shapes: Mulan fan, corn, tuxedo, bird of paradise, Peter Pan shoe, and candle. It was interesting and fun and interactive. Here is a collage of pics from the class:
After that we had a short break, played some more ping pong and then went to an origami class where a cast member from the Philippines taught us how to make daisies out of paper. This, too, was fun and interactive. These are the kinds of little things that Jason and I enjoy doing because they're something we'd never do at home, don't take a lot of time or skill...and are just plain fun....plus, we ended up with two "souvenirs"----paper flowers!! They are apparently going to offer a few more classes where you learn to make different kinds of flowers...so Jason and I are definitely going to do those classes if we can, too...so by the time the cruise is over we have a paper bouquet!! Here are some pics of us doing the class and our flowers:

Following this, we had a special Adventures by Disney event. They brought us together in a room and we got to spend time with the ship's historian who gave a really interesting and kind of academic talk about some of the ports and cultures we are going to experience on our tours. He definitely knew his stuff, loved history and was eager to share his enthusiasm about the history and culture of this region-----and a cool thing was on several occasions when we was talking about the different areas, he would say, "If you really want to experience the culture of this area in a special way, you should go to_______----but that's not a very touristy area so very few people get there"....and then Robyn and/or Tina would chime in and say, "Actually we are doing that" or "We're not doing that, but we're doing something very similar"....so following the event you definitely got the feel that we are going to experience the ports in a way that most cruisers won't be able to. They also served a really nice buffet of snacks at the event for us. (They REALLY like to feed you on these cruises...LOL...thank goodness we did a lot of walking in Barcelona and will be doing more walking as the trip proceeds so we can walk off some calories!!) Here are some pics of the event:
We also got a new pin from Adventures by Disney today. Here that is:
After that event, it was time for a quick swim in the adults only pool before we showered and got ready for a show and dinner. We had been planning on skipping most the evening shows on this cruise because we will be so busy and tired from our Adventures AND most the shows will be repeated in the second half of our trip so we'll see them then----but tonight was "Twice Charmed"...which is a musical twist on the Cinderella story you can only see on stage on the Disney Magic and is one of my favorite shows...so we decided to go ahead and go. Tonight was also formal night.....so we got to get all dressed up in our tuxes!! Here are some pictures we took (this counts as the "tie of the day"):
Tonight's vest and bow-tie set were tinkerbell which I made myself (although you can't really see it clearly in the pics). They were a big hit and we got many compliments.
Dinner was, again, amazing. We like our tablemates more each night and have been getting to know the other Adventures by Disney folks, too. All in all....a great sea day....and at the end of the day we came back to our room to our towel animal for today:
Great blog today, gentlemen, even if the pics didn't come through! I would much rather hear about your day and its adventures without the pics than nothing at all!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like you had a great sea day! The historian sounds very fascinating. I love how Robyn and Tina "justified"/built up the ABD experience. That's really want you want, too! I can't wait to hear how your time in Malta and Gozo plays out!
I agree with Kimberly!!! Have a wonderful day tomorrow and cannot wait to read about your adventures. I even have a few of my friends "tuning in"
ReplyDeleteSame here about the pictures. Love your blog. Would like to hear your comment after the cruise =,if in your mind the Adventure by Disney was worth the extra cost. Don't need to know the amount extra. Enjoy Malta and Gozo.
ReplyDeleteThanks Walt
Loving your blog, even without pictures. I look forward to it each day, so don't mind the format. Can't wait to see how you enjoy Malta, the ABD way.
ReplyDeleteI watched the Magic come in to the port of Malta. What an awesome sight!!!!
ReplyDeleteThanks for making sure we at least get to read along--I agree with Sandi that reading without photos is a far sight better than nothing at all.
ReplyDeleteI am thrilled that you had time to see Twice Charmed and that your Tinkerbell sets went over well (you know i love them).
I am so happy you figured out a way to update your blog despite the horrid internet on board. You must not have Oscar on board (so sad) since someone else was in charge of origami (unless if they changed who run things drastically. Oscar always does origami when he is on board). However, I do think you will enjoy origami (even without Oscar). They did the same thing where they taught us how to make several different types of flowers in different sessions on our last cruise and they where all great fun. I am glad you had fun at the Castaway Club reception. Who is your captain this cruise now. Have fun in Malta (I think) tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI know that so many folks out there are enjoying reading our posts!!
ReplyDeleteI am one of those folks! Loving the blog!
Hi, Erik and Jason. I have been looking at pictures on all the posts and I looked at the pictures on this one through my Mom's email. I was wondering if you could pretty pretty please post when the blog will work or email a picture of your Tinkerbell ties close up.
ReplyDeleteHi again
ReplyDeleteI love the sea days .. there is always so much to do! We did the origami on our last cruise so probably won't do it again. Still have the paper flowers somewhere !! Sounds like you had a great day at sea. Wish we could see the pics and the internet would behave itself !! Looking forward to the next installment of your wonderful adventures !!
Text & no pictures is definitely better than nothing! Glad you figured something out!
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like they added a lot of activities, because I don't remember seeing a lot of those activities on our sea days... Fortunately we had a lot of DIS events planned, because I'm one of those folks who gets bored on sea days! ;-)
Looking forward to your impressions of Gozo!
Pictures are now working..Great job. Leaving in the morning for WDW. See you on the Magic. Will not a computer.
Very dapper outfits! I love the crafty classes, perhaps I missed these on my last long cruise will have to pay more attention to those on the navigator.
ReplyDeleteYour ABD is sounding great so far, just what I would want to do, Disney will see more $$ out of me, lol.
Nice outfits!!!!!! Love it! Looks like a great time!